Marketing workshop toowoomba strategy and business

Marketing Strategy

Get your strategy clear and streamline your business growth.

Most people think marketing is a necessary evil - We think a cohesive marketing and sales plan is the pathway to sustainable growth.

Work with The Brand Shop to build a growth plan that actually works.

Clarify your goals
Empower your team
Get your confidence back
Marketing Workshop by The Brand Shop, SME business strategy
I feel this workshop will allow us to scale to the next level, and am most excited about Implementing this strategy and seeing the results. We really enjoyed the workshop and all took a lot away from it.
Thanks again Matt!
Ben L

Your business is too important to not have a clear growth plan.

Most businesses shoot from the hip when it comes to marketing... and even those that do plan are often only looking at one outcome at a time. As a result, marketing is only ever plugging holes, and never able to become the growth catalyst it should be.

With no real unison across your marketing and sales, the sales team is left wondering where all the enquiry is and you're left frustrated at the lack of growth.
  • 1
    Remove the limitations on your growth.
  • 2
    Create a marketing strategy that contributes to your bottom line.
  • 3
    Build a business people understand.

Too few businesses have a marketing plan that works for them in a tangible way.

It’s hard enough to continually come up with new ideas to generate more sales, let alone create a unified plan where everything works together.

We help companies create a marketing plan that:

Clears the fog.

Marketing can seem like an unending battle - you conquer one project, only for another three to appear. Clarify what’s important and produce a clear plan of action.

Gets you back to work.

It's easy to forget your business priorities when your marketing isn’t producing the results you want. Plan strategic solutions and get back to the work you want to be doing.

Builds a brand.

Most leaders think about right now, rather than what’s next. Don't get stuck in a rut - build a brand people love and empower your business to grow.
Marketing Workshop for SME by The Brand Shop

Marketing Workshop

Get More Growth

A workshop to make sense of your marketing and get more customers. Led by Matt Martin over a 1/2 day session - you'll build a growth plan that incorporates your marketing and sales and leave with the clarity on what to do next.

  • Create a cohesive strategy that works
  • Plan marketing that actually builds your business
  • Empower your team with an actionable plan
We had a lot of screwed up bits of paper on the floor...

What we were after is a way for our brand to come across to our clients in meaningful way - we had a lot of screwed up bits of paper on the floor.
The workshop gave us confidence more than anything else. With a lack of process in our own business, seeing the way you put stuff together - it was clear and well laid out - to help us go further.”

Nick G

How to work with us and get the clarity you need

Book a marketing review.
If you're ready for external insight on your marketing and sales, take the first step and book a marketing review. The good news? It won't cost you a cent.
Meet with us in-person or online.
Meet with a marketing strategist who will take the time to understand how you're trying to grow the business, and the obstacles within your sales and marketing systems.
Lock-in your workshop.
Work with us to apply our growth frameworks and transform the way you understand your business. Walk away with a 12 month marketing plan and the confidence to get back to your business priorities.

We create marketing plans to help companies actually grow.

If you're a leader within a company, you know what it means to have a full plate. You’ll also know the value of taking time to plan before you execute. A lot of business leaders get stuck in their marketing because they’re not giving themselves the room to stop and consider what’s going to work best. Instead, they’re making decisions on a whim and can’t empower their team like they want to.

If you’re concerned that you’ve got enough on your plate already without adding a workshop on top - remember the reverse is true.

By taking the time to get clear about what matters in your growth strategy, you’ll end up with less to think about, not more, because your priorities are clear and you’re able to delegate with greater effectiveness. We've been fortunate to have helped hundreds of clients over the past 8 years plan and execute their marketing. This has put us in a position where we’re able to bring new insight and ideas to timeless marketing principles to help you create a marketing plan that works.

Let’s take a good look at your growth.

What is a growth strategy anyway? It’s not a dull 70-page document loaded with wordy brand statements and hypotheticals, and it’s not a week-to-week guessing game where you pick a new marketing activity - it’s a punchy and clear plan to orchestrate all of your marketing efforts to contribute to your business revenue and build a brand that people love.

Key Marketing Resource

The 4 Key marketing

priorities for an SME.

There are a thousand marketing activities you could be doing, but only 4-5 you should be doing. Here are the 4 priorities that will play a key role in your marketing strategy.
Get the clarity you need today.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Get More Growth Workshop & Consulting

What should I hope to gain out of a marketing workshop with The Brand Shop? 

After completing a workshop with The Brand Shop, you'll have clarity around:

  • Your customer message - what you actually need to say to be relevant in the mind of your customer.
  • Your customer journey - the pathway your customers actually take from awareness to loyal customer (and how to optimise it)
  • Your customer cost - how much it's worth spending to acquire a new customer and how valuable they actually are.

More than this - you'll have a way to execute it in a 12 month marketing priorities plan.

I'm not exactly starting a new business - why should I invest time in a workshop?

If you've been in business for long enough, then you'll know the value in stepping away from the details of the business to gain clarity around the strategic elements. There are some things you'll only see when you're NOT looking at them. Getting an outside perspective on your growth strategy, expressed through your sales and marketing can be key to unlocking growth.

Is this all talk or do I actually walk away with something I can use?

There are two key components to what we provide here. 1/ The workshop itself - this is space to think strategically and learn about the fundamental frameworks of growth. 2/ The resource delivered afterwards - this is a tool that captures what we discussed, outlines the key takeaways and provides the next steps in the form of your 12-month marketing priorities.

Part of what's included in this resource is...

  • What you need to say on your website and social media to resonate with your customer
  • The key messages your sales team need to use to convert customers
  • The key statements your leadership team need to embed in the culture of your company

Further to that, we'll work out...

  • The pathway a customer takes to doing business with you and what you need to focus on
  • The products and services that you could offer, beyond what you're already doing
  • The next big idea to inspire what you could be doing to win customers' attention

"Wow, that's plenty! I suppose we shou..."

That's not all though...we also look at your marketing budget....

  • What your marketing budget needs to be based on the value of a customer
  • The marketing and sales KPI's you need to focus on
  • The way you'll measure everything to ensure you can actually hit your quarterly goals

Is there any minimum commitment period for marketing consulting? 

No, at this stage we are able to provide ad hoc marketing consulting on a monthly basis. Please reach out to us to discuss your needs.

What makes your agency better than any other local marketing agency?

Better is far too subjective. We're convinced that our approach to marketing offers a thoughtful, principled approach that also happens to produce incredible results.

We're a team of creatives who believe that big ideas can change the world, and great analytics can prove it. Part of our strength lies in our integrated production capability - Most marketing agencies are 'managers' who co-ordinate other companies/freelancers to execute the production work. We're all in-house.

Another part of our strength lies in our growth-minded approach. Don't only do what works, do the bold thing that will make people say wow!

Which members of my team need to attend the marketing workshop?

You, as the business leader, and any members of your team who are currently working on, or responsible for your marketing or sales activities.

Where are the marketing workshops held? 

The ½ day marketing workshop can either be held on-site or in our boardroom for a fee. We'll consider online delivery, but where possible we prefer to deliver face-to-face to ensure the most value from the session.

Do you offer these workshops across Australia?

We host most of our marketing workshops in Toowoomba at our HQ, but frequently travel to offer it in-house for clients. We believe this is the kind of experience that is best offered in person.